You’re going to realize it one day终有一天你会意识到That happiness was never about your job幸福与工作无关or your degree与学历无关or being in a relationship与恋爱无关Happiness was never about following in the footsteps幸福从来不是去追寻别人的脚步of all of those who came before you重复别人的人生It was never about being like the others活成别人的样子One day, you’re going to see it有一天你会明白That happiness was always about the discovery幸福往往有关于新的体验the hope有关于希望the listening to your heart有关于尊重内心的声音and following it wherever it chose to go追寻内心指引的方向Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself幸福是对自己好一点It was always about embracing the person you were becoming幸福是拥抱未来的自己One day, you will understand有一天你会了解到That happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself幸福是与自己友好相处that happiness was never in the hands of other people它绝不是掌握在旁人手里It was always about you.它是有关自己的故事It was always about you…有关自己的心