



一锅米饭,放到第二天,水气就会干了一些,放到第三天,味道恐怕就有问题了。第四天,我们几乎可以发现,它已经变坏了。再放下去,眼看就要发霉了。A pot of cooked rice, if left out overnight, will become a bit dry because of loss of water. On the third day, it may not taste as good; and on the fourth day, as you'll discover, it becomes sour. If kept even longer, it will surely get moldy.是什么原因,使那锅米饭变馊变坏?Why? What has made this happen?是时间。It is time.可是,在浙江绍兴,年轻的父母生下女儿,他们就会在地窖里,埋下一坛坛米做的酒。However, there is another story about it. In Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, young parents brew a kind of wine with rice and store it underground in jars when they have a daughter.十七八年后,女儿长大了,这些酒就成为了嫁女儿婚礼上的佳酿。它有一个美丽惹人遐思的名字,叫女儿红。When the girl grows to the age of marriage, the wine is used to entertain guests at the wedding banquet. So it is given a fasting name Nü Er Hong, literally “Daughter Red”. 是什么使那些平凡的米,变成芬芳甘醇的酒?What turns the ordinary grains of rice into good wine?