



这是一封来自爷爷写给孙子的信,抛却繁华的物质生活,爷爷希望孙子能回归最朴素的生活、拥有最真挚的情感。能有所传承,能有亲情傍身。会因做错事情而遭受惩罚,会因情窦初开遭遇嘲笑。能有机会经历艰难、挫折、失落,因为,在黑暗中行走过的人,更珍惜光明的岁月。懂得的人,更谦卑。We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.我们竭尽全力想让我们的儿女们过得更好,而结果却是适得其反。For my grandchildren, I'd know better.对我的孙辈们,我就明智得多了。I'd really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meatloaf.我希望他们知道什么是哥哥姐姐传下来的旧衣服,什么是自家制的冰淇淋,以及吃剩的肉饼。I really would.我真的希望。My cherished grandson, I hope you learn humility by surviving failure亲爱的孙子,我希望你在经受失败的考验之后能学会谦卑,and that you learn to be honest even when no one is looking.也希望你能学会诚实,即使在没有人注视你的时候。I hope you learn to make your bed and mow the lawn and wash the car-我希望你能学会自己叠被子,自己修剪草坪,自己洗车--and I hope nobody gives you a brand-new car when you are sixteen.我还希望在你满十六岁时,没有人送给你一辆崭新的轿车。It will be good if at least one time you can see a baby calf born, 假如你至少有一次机会看见小牛犊出生,and you have a good friend to be with you if you ever have to put your old dog to sleep. 假如你不得不为你的老狗送终,而此时身边有一位好友