



@主播 | Flora Fang   结尾曲目 | Make You Feel My LoveSimple Ways to Improve Our LifeI love to have simple ways to improve my life. Everyday is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it. What I want is to have good, balanced progress everyday.我喜欢用简单的方法提升自己的生活质量。对我们来说每天都是一个新的机遇,关键在于我们如何最有效地利用它。我所希望的便是每天都可以有良好平稳的提升。To ensure balance, my favorite way is using the four facets of prosperity: material, spiritual, physical, and social. By achieving material prosperity, spiritual prosperity, physical prosperity, and social prosperity, I believe I can have complete and balanced prosperity in my life.我最倾向于通过物质生活、精神境界、身体素质、社交活动四个方面的互补来保持生活的平衡。如果可以达到物质富足、精神愉悦、身体健康以及社交活跃,那么你一定会拥有和谐美妙而丰富多彩的生活。You may add other facets of prosperity if they work for you, but in my opinion these four facets are easy to remember and already cover practically everything.当然啦,你还可以添加一些你认为对你有用的东西。不过,我认为以上的四个方面很容易记住,它们基本已经包涵了所有。To put this concept into practice, what I do is ensuring that I do something to improve each facet everyda