I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life. I am happy. I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands.我才27岁,还不想离开这个世界。我热爱我的生活,并且生活得无比开心。是我最亲近的人们给了我这一切。然而现在,我却不得不离他们而去。I have dropped lots of my thoughts below as I have had a lot of time to ponder life these last few months. Of course it’s the middle of the night when these random things pop in my head most!因为最近有很多时间思考人生,所以我把很多所想写了下来。 现在当然是午夜时分,夜深人静文思泉涌!Try just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through the screen of your phone. Life isn’t meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo.. enjoy the bloody moment, people! Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.美好的时光,去享受,去置身其中,而不是沉迷手机只顾摆拍。生命的意义不是通过手机屏幕或着拍一张完美的照片来实现。生命需要身临其境地感受。享受当下的美好时光吧各位!别总把生活拍给别人看了! Give, give, give. It is true that you gain more happiness doing things for others than doing them for yourself. I wish I did this more.给予,给予,给予,给予的快乐永远比自私多!我多希望我健康的时候可以多为别人做一些。Listen to music.. really listen. Music is therapy. Old is bes