蒹葭苍苍 白露为霜所谓伊人 在水一方Green, green the reedDew and frost gleamWhere’s she I needBeyond the stream溯洄从之 道阻且长溯游从之 宛在水中央Upstream I gothe way is longDownstream I goShe’s there among蒹葭萋萋 白露未晞所谓伊人 在水之湄White, white the reedDew not yet driedWhere’s she I needOn the other side溯洄从之 道阻且跻溯游从之 宛在水中坻Upstream I goHard is the wayDownstream I goShe’s far away蒹葭采采 白露未已所谓伊人 在水之涘Bright, bright the reedDew and frost blendWhere’s she I needAt river’s end溯洄从之 道阻且右溯游从之 宛在水中沚Upstream I goThe way does windDownstream I goShe’s far behind