Weekly Bs: Relationship-centered Chiropractic Marketing

Mindset vs Habits: Which is More Important For Chiropractors?



The other day someone asked me what an abundance mindset meant to me. Honestly, it made me roll my eyes. I was thinking, “Here we go. One of these manifest your future guys.” I know this isn’t going to set well with a percentage of chiropractors, but I’m going to say it anyway. The law of attraction is stupid. You aren’t God. You aren’t a little god. You don’t create the world around you with your thoughts. You don’t manifest anything. There…I said it. It felt good, too. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know mindset is important. How you think impacts how you act. How you act impacts your life. So in that sense, mindset does impact your life, but only as much as it impacts your actions. If you could only pick one, I would tell you to get your habits right before worrying about getting your mind right. I don’t particularly care how you feel about the task at hand, positive habits will move the needle regardless of how you feel. A positive mindset alone is of little value. There is no scenario where you can think you