Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#277: All About the Master Class



 TOPICS News and updates from Diane & Liz [3:52] A new thing I’m digging: Framebridge [11:42] FAQs for the Balanced Bites Master Class [15:13] Details on the modules [26:25] Who is the Master Class for? [31:46] When does it open now; when will it open again? [38:28] How is the course set up? Can I take the Master Class from a different country? [39:52] Discounts, scholarships, and payment options [42:47] Is the practitioner track right for me? [44:36] Is enrollment limited? [48:01] Refund policy [49:14] Parenthood tip from Liz: Getting kids to eat organ meats [51:33]   Grab a copy of Diane's book, "Practical Paleo" - Want IN on Diane's 21-Day Sugar Detox? Check it out here - Grab a copy of Liz's book "Eat the Yolks" - GET FULL EPISODE SHOW NOTES WITH TRANSCRIPT -