Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#181: Dealing with Non-Paleo Doctors, Teeth Grinding at Night & Loose Leaf Tea



Topics:1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [5:02]2. Shout Out: Paleo for Restaurants by Joe Disch [13:15]3. This week in the Paleosphere: A new study on whole grains: Biological Mechanism      vs. Epidemiology [19:45] Listener Questions 4. Paleo RD and Dealing with Non-Paleo Doctors [29:21]5. Loose leaf tea versus pre-bagged [45:35]6. Teeth grinding at night; alternative to plastic guard? [50:11]7. Diane’s Kitchen tip: Hardboiled eggs cooking and peeling [57:34]8. Liz’s BMB tip of the week: walking in pregnancy [1:04:49]