Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#157: Low-Carb Controversy, Quitting Cardio, and Ditching Egg Whites



Topics:1.  Diane’s updates [2:30]2.  Liz’s updates [7:03]3.  Real Food movement pioneer, Mary Enig  [8:00]4.  Low-carb controversy in the Paleosphere [10:45]5.  Should I quit cardio?  [22:03]6.  Is palm olein the same as palm oil, and is it healthy?  [31:41]7.  Post workout skin care regimen tips [36:16]8.  Raw eggs; ditch the white? [42:54]9.  Homesteading with goats [48:19]10.  Kitchen tip: pots and pans and safe nonstick [52:11]11.  #worstpaleomealever Call out [55:30]