Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 313 - The Leaky Ceiling Effect



So on my Unicorn coaching call this last week, I was trying to figure out another way to describe what I see as the issues we often blame on “age.”Because while, yes our body does change as we get older, so often so many of our issues are from well…a leaky ceiling we didn’t address.If you had a leak and over the years the water kept dripping in that same spot, you wouldn’t be surprised when, finally one day, the leak made the ceiling board collapse. You’d know that even though it was only a little water, that over time, those water droplets built up. Same thing can be said about so much of what we just attribute to age.We’ve so often implemented improper mobility practices and horrible dieting habits for DECADES and then we say it’s cause we are “old” things no longer work as we feel they should.We can’t lose the weight as easily. We now have aches and pains.But really these things aren’t just popping up.The’ve been caused by a leak we haven’t addressed over the years.So now if you’ve realized the leak?DO SOM