Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 301 - New Year, Same You?



While we want to work toward a new and improved version of ourselves, we have to remember…IT’S STILL US.Same flaws. Same struggles. Same reactions to things like restriction.So we need to remember who and want we are to address our needs and goals as we work to create changes. We can’t go in thinking all of the sudden everything is just going to change because it is a new year.I actually think this is often why our resolutions fail.We aren’t basing how we do things off our “old” self.So I wanted to share some tips to help you create a realistic program for yourself to start moving forward toward that new and improved you.1. Assess thy self. Are you really an all or nothing person or does the slightest sign of restriction send you running for that food you now can’t have. If you KNOW YOURSELF, you can design a plan around this. You may be that person that cuts out everything at once. Or you may be that person that needs to make changes slowly. Don’t force a plan that doesn’t fit who you are.2. Celebrate habit