Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP S2: E45 - Validating Our Own EXCUSES



Change requires change no matter how you look at itAnd often the changes we need the most?Well they're uncomfortable.Changes that make us uncomfortable don't feel sustainable. They feel so against everything we've been doing we find excuses not to make them.We even find ways to try to VALIDATE not doing them.We waste time putting up more mental barriers against the changes instead of just trying them, truly testing the changes by committing to them 100%, and seeing it as an experiment to gain a better understanding of our body.Often those uncomfortable changes are necessary to achieve a new and better result.Often those changes we least want to make, are the ones we need the most.And once we actually mentally GET ON BOARD with the changes? Once we stop trying to find reasons NOT to do it?Well we realize it isn't actually that hard after all.That NEW becomes habit.And amazingly sometimes we even think after awhile, "How was I not doing this before?!It is in our nature not to want to ch