Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP S2: E36- Dooming Yourself With Doubt



Dooming yourself with doubt.We question the change and try to pick apart the ways it won’t work because….let’s face it…we’re scared and it’s a change.But when you start to instill doubt before you’ve even tested something?Well you’re dooming yourself to fail.Because so much of our success is because of our MINDSET. Our willingness to trust the process.Our willingness to try.And when we doubt something? We doom it because our mindset won’t support the change. Here are some tips to help you avoid dooming yourself to fail by doubting…Learn the WHY behind the programming. Often when we see the reasons WHY something is being implemented, we are willing to give it a shot. So if there are workout designs or moves you are “afraid of?” Learn why they are being used. Often that reasoning and seeing the purpose can help us trust to test them out even when things feel strange.Set a plan in place with an end date. I think often when we give ourselves an end date to reassess, we are more willing to give something a 100% ef