California Real Estate Radio

Moderation is dangerous!



In this eye-opening episode, we dive deep into the often-praised but not universally applicable concept of moderation. Join us as we explore why moderation might not be the best approach for everyone, especially for those who struggle with addictive behaviors or compulsive tendencies towards food and alcohol.Our host shares a candid and powerful personal story about his long battle with moderation, from his struggles with alcohol to his relationship with food. Discover how trying to moderate consumption led to overindulgence time and again, and how this realization forced a major lifestyle overhaul. Despite the common advice that "moderation is key," learn why this wasn't the case for him and how he managed to break the cycle.This episode isn't just a personal story; it's a call to those who find moderation elusive and frustrating. We’ll discuss the psychological and emotional aspects of why moderation fails for some individuals and how understanding these dynamics can lead to more ef