California Real Estate Radio

What would happen if you'd stop eating all of the time, you would probably get used to it, heck, you got used to getting fat.



Welcome to a thought-provoking episode where we delve into the concept of fasting and its impacts on our bodies and minds. Join us as we explore what happens when you abstain from eating for 24 hours. Whether you're considering fasting for health, spiritual reasons, or curiosity about its effects, this episode offers a unique perspective on the practice.In This Episode:The Basics of Fasting: We start with what it means to fast, and what you can expect in the first 24 hours without food. From the science behind it to personal anecdotes, get a comprehensive overview of fasting.Physical and Mental Reactions: Discover how your body and mind might react to a sudden halt in food intake. We discuss the initial feelings of hunger and discomfort and contrast them with the potential longer-term benefits that fasting advocates often report.Why Try Fasting? Listen as we tackle the reasons why someone might choose to fast. Is it just for weight loss, or are there other health benefits? What does the research say abou