California Real Estate Radio

Love yourself, seriously and quit being a sissy!



Welcome! My name is Connor With Honor, and I'm a Santa Clarita realtor passionate about helping people achieve their real estate goals. In today's article, I'll delve into the current Santa Clarita market dynamics, providing valuable insights for both buyers and sellers.Understanding the Market LandscapeThe Santa Clarita real estate market remains a seller's market, characterized by low inventory and high buyer demand. This translates to increased competition for available properties and strong seller leverage in negotiations. While recent weeks have seen a slight rise in active listings (currently at 317), the overall inventory levels remain significantly below historical averages.Navigating the Buying Process:Finding the Right Agent: As a buyer, choosing a qualified and experienced agent is crucial. Look for someone with a strong reputation for client service, effective negotiation skills, and in-depth knowledge of the local market.Pre-Approval is Key: Before actively searching for prope