Double Your Sales Now! | Performance | Selling | Closing Sales | Motivation | Inspiration

50: Ursula Mentjes: Overcoming the Fear of Selling and Other Limiting Beliefs



To celebrate Double Your Sales’ 50th episode, I am turning the mic on myself and answering all the questions I usually get to ask my guests. Some of you might already know my story, but I think it is always a good practice to remind ourselves of our past so we know how much farther we have left to go. From the moment I started my own business, I wanted to help entrepreneurs and business owners make a lot of money and find success, whatever that might mean to them. The only reason I am in such a position to coach these individuals is because of my own struggles and successes in sales. This is the story you are going to hear today!    Today you will hear how a young, inexperienced glossophobic woman transformed her mindset and became a confident saleswoman and public speaker. You will hear the inspiration behind all of my books, as well as the tools that I still use today to make sales happen. I really do practice what I preach on the podcast—I had to get rid of my limiting beliefs before I could be successful