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23: Wanda Allen: The Systems and Processes Behind Doubling Your Sales



Today's guest is the super cool Sales and Follow Up Expert, Wanda Allen. She's a National Speaker, Coach, Author and also an award winning  business owner. Wanda is the author of Follow Up Savvy and Follow Up Sales Strategies.    Wanda had a twenty five year corporate career, where she was Senior Vice President for fifteen years, so she really knows her stuff! Her background is in sales and she's worked with sales teams throughout her corporate career. Wanda is an expert in teaching Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Sales Professionals  the systems and processes that are necessary to follow up with, in order to increase  pipelines, improve sales performance, increase client retention and become more referable.    So listen in now, to find out all about Wanda and the ways that she helps and supports her clients.    Show highlights:   •How things changed for Wanda,  coming from a Corporate Career, where she used to sell products, to becoming a Business Owner, where she was selling herself. So her limiting beli