Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

374: If I Started Podcasting with a Busy Private Practice, I’d Do This . . .



Have you thought about starting a podcast? If you run a busy private practice, you might wonder how you could take on such an endeavor in addition to all the other things you do. I feel your concerns, as I’m coming up on ten years as a clinician-turned-podcaster. I’ve learned a lot, and I want to share five unique ways you can launch and run a successful podcast without it feeling like another “job” you have to do. Join me in this session to learn more!You’ll Learn:Fact: Podcasting has made my life a lot easier in many ways. Five unexpected insights into podcasting as a beneficial addition:Batch record and automate.This will save you a ton of time, which is your most precious asset. Look at your schedule and identify a 2-3 hour block of time for recording episodes. (Captivate makes it easier!)Bonus tip: Stack this by creating a podcast on your live schedule so you don’t have to record new episodes every week/month. Repurpose your existing content.Look for common themes and pain points with your