Kyle Meredith With...

Rewind: John Cleese on Cats, Comedy, Monty Python, and BBC Cowards



On this archive episode of Kyle Meredith with..., Meredith rewinds to his conversation with John Cleese. The iconic comedian discusses his 2017 tour, various projects, and how he reflects on his life. Listen to the talk from the vault.Speaking about his then-upcoming Louisville appearance, he expressed appreciation for his American fans, who he finds kind and receptive — contrasting that with the treatment he often receives from the British press. Cleese also discussed his love for cats and his comedic journey, attributing his fascination with human psychology as a major influence in his work. The conversation also touched on Hold the Sunset, originally titled "Edith," which marked Cleese’s return to television after a long hiatus. He had some pointed words for BBC executives, lamenting their cautious approach in commissioning the show’s future despite positive feedback. The frustration he shared seemed to reflect his broader views on the evolving landscape of television, where executives, unlike thos