On Air With Ella

012: Vani Hari, Food Babe: Fear Mongerer or Voice of the People?



Vani makes her living making food companies angry. She challenges them on the chemicals they use to make manufactured food more addictive, longer-lasting and as cheap as possible to produce. And she’s not quiet about it. Is she alarmist? Unabashedly, yes. Her headlines are notoriously, um, cloying at times. (Did you catch the infamous “Do You Eat Beaver Butt?” post?)  ...And it would be easy to write her off as an obnoxious headline-grabber who is just looking to generate a following by making big companies like Kraft, Starbucks, Kellogg, and General Mills look bad. Except, isn’t there something backward here?  Vani Hari receives death threats on a regular basis because she is telling the world what food manufacturers opt to put in our food supply. Huh? What’s wrong with this picture? From her site: Back when Congress gave the FDA authority over food additives (in 1958), there were about 800 additives. Today, the number of known ingredients has swelled to more than 10,000 and continues to grow. Even the FDA’s