The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: The Accommodation Loser (#895)



Election Implications and Presidential Term. National Sales Tax (consumption tax) and Tariffs. Alternative Investments and Inflation Concerns. Comparing Politics and Market Flaws. Guest: Kerry Lutz  NEW! DOWNLOAD THE SHOW NOTES Kerry Lutz has been a student of Austrian Economics since 1977. While attending Pace University, he stumbled upon an extensive cache of Austrian Economic Literature in a dark, musty, abandoned section of the school‘s library. After graduating from The New York Law School, he became an attorney and lifelong serial entrepreneur. His diverse career has included: running a legal printing company, practicing commercial law and litigation and founding a successful distressed asset investment company. After the 2008 financial collapse and the continued global economic deterioration, Kerry realized people needed a reliable source for accurate information. Believing that inflation would eventually run rampant, he dedicated himself to helping people protect and preserve their wealth.