Glynn Vivian Art Gallery - On Air

Out of this World talk: Chris Parry – The life of Margaret Watts Hughes



A World of Mystery: the life of Margaret Watts Hughes The name of Margaret Watts Hughes will not be familiar to many, but it certainly should be. A Dowlais born, child vocalist of great fame, who grew to be known across the country for her voice. Fascinated by sound she invented a way of making the human voice visible. To her there was an invisible world of mystery that sound revealed, and she was at the forefront of revealing that world. A selection of Margaret Watts Hughes Voice Figures, chosen by Heather, are currently on display in Room 8 from Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery Collection as part of the Out of this World exhibition. An IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery. Ni fydd enw Margaret Watts Hughes yn gyfarwydd i nifer ohonoch, ond, yn sicr, dylai’r enw fod yn un cyfarwydd iawn. Ganwyd y gantores, a ddaeth i’r amlwg pan oedd hi’n blentyn, yn Nowlais, a daeth yn adnabyddus ar draws y wlad am ei llais. Cafodd ei swyno gan sain, ac roedd hi’n arb