Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

051: A close family and a thriving business? 3 must do steps for getting the best of both worlds!



In episode 51, I dig into the meat of why I made this podcast in the first place: three steps you can take to make sure you get the best of both worlds without sacrificing your business for your family or the other way around. Make it a MUST. You have to believe that you can have it all. It HAS to happen. When you make it absolutely essential to succeed, you’ll start making little choices that get you there. Cut out the naysayers. There are always people out there who will think they know better than you do and who try to shut down your dreams. Don’t take advice from people who don’t get what you really want. Learn from your mistakes. It can be really hard to keep going after you’ve made a few mistakes. You’ll mess up, and that’s okay. Learn from each mistake to move forward and not make the same mistake again. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!