Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 16:44:19
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Hi and Welcome to the self employed parent podcast. Im Joel Bower, the Self Employed Parent and 3 times a week, I want to show you the amazing lessons and techniques that not only gave me the ability to balance that delicate line between being a parent and running a business, but how to actually thrive in both. Also, why being an entrepreneur can the best thing you ever do for your family. In this show, Ill cover business techniques great for parents, such as starting an Amazon business, dropshipping, and affiliate marketing to help parents make money from home. Ill also talk to parenting experts and entrepreneurs about everything from parenting styles, small business ideas, and business opportunities to help you open up new worlds and get more time with your family.Join me as I show you how, you too, can have the best of both worlds!


  • 054: 5 Real World Project Planning Tips for the Project Planning Impaired.

    14/09/2015 Duração: 18min

    In episode 54, we cover some great project planning tips that even those of us who are totally impaired at project planning can use to make our lives so much easier. Create perfect “Project Blocks.” Find the “sweet spot” where you can get the most done. If your project block is too big, it gets daunting and hard to get done. If you make it too small, it can be hard to prioritize what needs to be done first. Clear future vs exacting future. Get the difference between the two: the “clear” future is why you’re doing what you’re doing. The “exacting” future is really specific and difficult to achieve because it locks you into something that you may decide you don’t want. Avoiding getting lost in to-do lists. This can make you feel overwhelmed by too many small things that need to get done, can confuse you on your priorities, and makes it hard to decide what will give you the most results. Remember why you’re doing it. If you know what’s most important about the project you’re working on, it’s easy to keep yoursel

  • 053: Q&A 15: Integrating your home and work life, how to adjust when people you love shut down your business, and how to get the best of both worlds in any situation.

    11/09/2015 Duração: 20min

    In Episode 53, I answer great questions from my interview with Dana and Mark Hatjakes from SOSU TV, as well as amazing questions about how to really get the best of both worlds, such as how to shut down the stream of negative comments when it comes from someone you love and see every day. More on integrating your family into your career. If you work in an area that isn’t “kid friendly,” find creative ways to involve your kids without having to give them all the information. You can also just focus on the goals and why you’re doing what you’re doing, not necessarily what that thing is. When family holds an entrepreneur back. It’s definitely true that there are consequences when you start a business and have a family. Ultimately, changing the mindset on why you’re doing what you're doing and realizing you want more for your family than a 9 - 5 job can offer can help you make the jump. Changing the course of a negative conversation. It’s possible you’ve accidentally conditioned your loved ones to be unhappy abou

  • 052: 3 Biggest time cesspools in your business that will take from your family

    09/09/2015 Duração: 24min

    In episode 52, I talk about the biggest time-sinks in business that take you away from your family and what you can do to avoid them. Dealing with time vampires. These are the people who just want your attention and keep you around as long as they can. Know when the line is crossed and you’re no longer involved in meaningful interaction and when you’re with someone who tends to take up a lot of your time with useless conversation that takes time away from your work and your family. Being overly reactive in communicating. Do you check your email every hour? Do you respond to an email as soon as it comes in? By checking your phone, your emails, and any other communication all the time and immediately responding, you’re losing a ton of time! Turn those alerts off and try checking your email twice a day on the average day to cut this time off and focus on more important tasks. Misusing your multitasking. By switching between various tasks - between checking emails or taking calls, working on smaller projects whil

  • 051: A close family and a thriving business? 3 must do steps for getting the best of both worlds!

    07/09/2015 Duração: 17min

    In episode 51, I dig into the meat of why I made this podcast in the first place: three steps you can take to make sure you get the best of both worlds without sacrificing your business for your family or the other way around. Make it a MUST. You have to believe that you can have it all. It HAS to happen. When you make it absolutely essential to succeed, you’ll start making little choices that get you there. Cut out the naysayers. There are always people out there who will think they know better than you do and who try to shut down your dreams. Don’t take advice from people who don’t get what you really want. Learn from your mistakes. It can be really hard to keep going after you’ve made a few mistakes. You’ll mess up, and that’s okay. Learn from each mistake to move forward and not make the same mistake again. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!

  • 050: Q&A 14: Great business education resources, work opportunities to get your family involved, and how to get the life you want if your business won’t quite cut it.

    04/09/2015 Duração: 25min

    In Episode 50, I talk answer questions from episodes 46 and 48 about business education and how to ensure your business really is the best thing for you and for your family. I also answer some general questions from my followers about parenting advice and inspirations. How to find business education resources. I’m always looking for new information. The best way to start is to search for how to do things you aren’t familiar with. There are also free educational materials that lead into bigger webinars, and if you can get involved in groups that help each other in business, that can help a lot. Avoiding the education overwhelm. Make sure you’re only getting the most current information so you don’t have to dig through a lot of information. Play around with programs to get familiar with them before you really dig into the nitty gritty details. Businesses with more opportunity. Try out other kinds of businesses, like drop shipping or amazon businesses, to free up your time and possibly bring your family into wha

  • 049: Interview with Dana and Mark Hatjakes from SOSU TV: The integration, not just balance, of home and work life.

    02/09/2015 Duração: 23min

    In episode 49, I interview Dana and Mark Hitjakes, who work hard to help other small businesses thrive while building a video production business of their own. Mark and Dana also have two kids and have a lot of great things to say about balancing their career and their family. It’s not balance - it’s integration Dana and Mark don’t just balance their work and home life - they integrate it. The two of them can’t really be separated. Leading by example. Dana and Mark’s kids have seen it all - from the beginnings of the business to where the two of them are today, and that’s helped raise their confidence about what they can do when they grow up. Family drives the entrepreneurial spirit. Children and having a family gives entrepreneurs a real reason to work hard and achieve their dreams. Connect with Mark and Dana! Find Mark and Dana at their webite, or on social media. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!

  • 048: 8 must answer questions that will tell you if the growth of your business is going to support your family and your life.

    31/08/2015 Duração: 26min

    In episode 48, I talk about the big trap I see so many business owners get caught up in - a business concept they don’t think all the way through that will never give them what they want out of their lives, what they want for their families, and what they want for themselves. Here are the eight questions you must answer to figure out if your business is right for you. Are you going to enjoy doing it? If you aren’t going to love what you do, it’s going to be exhausting. If you love it, you’re going to be more excited to work on it and grow it more quickly. Does it really offer the life/freedom you’re looking for? If you hate being on call, or hate the idea of losing contracts and starting over, make sure your company doesn’t trap you in situations like that. Are you just creating a fancy job? We usually start our own business to get out of a job we hate - and it would be awful if your new business is just another job. What are the real requirements for growth? An idea is great, but sometimes we don’t really th

  • 047: Q&A 13: Why your family cares about business leverage, how to take advantage of technology for the technology impaired, and talking to your kids about why you work crazy hours.

    28/08/2015 Duração: 19min

    In Episode 47, I answer some great questions from episodes 43 and 45 about business leverage, technology, and getting rid of guilt. If you’re wondering how you’re supposed to talk to your kids or how to take advantage of technology when you’re pretty technologically impaired, this is the episode for you. How does leveraging people, technology, and resources help your family? When you do it right, you take the stressful tasks off your plate, which means you’re at your best when you do spend time with your family. It’s not just about time - it’s about the quality of the time, too. How to leverage technology if you are technology impaired. You don’t HAVE to use technology if it slows you down. There are a lot of other ways you can leverage your resources. Make technology the last thing you leverage - and maybe leverage people to get someone who is good with technology to take it over for you. How else you can help your family (and you) feel better about the time you spend at work. There is not a single solution

  • 046: 3 Real reasons that more education is a must for every business person, especially those who want more for their family.

    26/08/2015 Duração: 18min

    In episode 46, I talk about the importance of education in your business, both in how it helps you improve as a business person and take care of your family. Not only will it save you time and money in the long run, but it will help save your relationships with your family as well. Time Saved. If you’re learning everything through trial and error, you’re going to take a lot of time and experience a lot of failure. There’s a limit to how much most people can give without getting results, and trying something new without educating yourself first can wear you out. Money Saved. If you’re doing something that costs you money (such as running ad campaigns), educating yourself on the best tricks and tactics can save you SO much money. People have figured these systems out and you can take advantage of their knowledge rather than spending your money to test it yourself. Family Saved. Education can help you make sense of what you’re doing to your family. You can explain things differently and more completely, and it’s

  • 045: Stopping The Guilt: 4 actions that will alleviate the stress of not being there for you kids, by giving them what they really want.

    24/08/2015 Duração: 17min

    In episode 45, I cover the really tough topic of how you can get your business done without feeling like you’re sacrificing your kids - and therefore, get rid of the stress and guilt about it. This episode talks about four specific actions you can take to make this happen, even when you’re working crazy hours. Make your kids a part of what you’re doing. Get your family’s opinions on things and include them on what’s going on with your business. Your kids may show you something novel and amazing you haven’t considered - and then they feel like they’re a part of your business and your life. Explain why you’re doing what you’re doing. This is crucial. Give them reasons to understand why you’re so busy. Most entrepreneurs know why they’re doing what they’re doing, but rarely to they say it to their families. It’s hardly a surprise your family doesn’t understand your dream or vision. Show them you’re a real person, too. Make sure your kids have a real connection with you and know you’re a real person with real emo

  • 044: Q&A 12: Finding your calling, being a conscious business owner, and giving gifts without “buying” love.

    21/08/2015 Duração: 21min

    In episode 44, I answer some great questions from my interview with JV Crum III about how to find your calling and the steps you can take to be a more conscious business owner. I also answer questions about how to talk to your teenagers and how to avoid “buying” your kids’ love when you get them gifts and favors. Finding your calling. Every entrepreneur wonders if they’re doing the right thing. Often times, our businesses are “stepping stones” for us to move forward to what our real calling is. Becoming a conscious business owner. There are so many nonprofits and movements out there, that it really just comes down to what you want to be involved in and what you like. If your business can donate a little bit of time, money, or recognition, nonprofits would love it. Getting gifts without buying love. The concept of buying love has to do with intent. If you’re trying to trade it for something, it feels like buying, but if it’s genuine and just because you care and not because you expect something in return, it f

  • 043: What the hell is Business Leverage and why your family cares.

    19/08/2015 Duração: 21min

    In episode 43, we talk about how to leverage the people and resources in your life to get the most out of your business without having to work yourself to the bone. Not only will you feel less ragged and burnt out, but your family will appreciate the extra time they get with you. What is leverage? Anything you use and develop for your business that allows you to do more for less. It allows your company to grow in ways you can’t accomplish alone. People Different people have different skillsets and you can really take advantage of what your partners and employees can do to grow. Technology Whether it’s the cloud or a phone service that helps you get things done on the day to day, technology can make your business so much easier. Systems By systemizing what you do every time, you speed through the things you have to consistently do. Systems also tie in everything and make the people and the technology you use more effective. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Check out the e

  • 042: Interview with JV Crum III: Self-made entrepreneur millionaire, best selling author, and certified business coach.

    17/08/2015 Duração: 27min

    In episode 42, I talk to JV Crum III, who, among a laundry list of other impressive accomplishments, is the founder and CEO of the Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC and host of the Conscious Millionaire Podcast. Money isn’t the answer. At 25, JV had just enough money to realize it wasn’t the answer. This stemmed his growth into the Conscious Millionaire. Balancing is a process. It doesn’t come all at once. You have to work to give yourself time for you. If you don’t take the time to take care of yourself, physically or emotionally, you’ll never be who you could be. Health and business. JV has taken great strides to take care of his business as well as his health in his journey to balance his life between work and self. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Check out JV’s Podcast!! Find JV at the Conscious Millionaire Podcast! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!

  • 041: Q&A 11: Talking to your spouse about your business, getting back to manageable hours after your business booms, and easing into a big growth stage.

    14/08/2015 Duração: 17min

    In episode 41, I answer some great questions from our interview with Greg Lintz, as well as some questions about episode 39 about keeping your family happy during your business’s growth stage. Avoiding an argument when you talk about your business. It’s common to argue with your spouse about your business. Try to avoid talking about negative things about your company to try to make the conversations easier. Show your spouse you care. It can be frustrating for your normally-employed spouse to be in their job. Continuously show them you care to show them you understand how hard it can be. Bring down the time from your growth stage. Systemize, leverage, and organize to bring your hours down after your business booms. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Check out the episodes we answered questions from about in this one! Episode 37: Interview with Greg Lintz: Being married to an entrepreneur - the stressors, the balance, and the big wins. Episode 39: 6 steps to keeping your fa

  • 040: 5 Amazing tips I use to keep my family the biggest fans of me and my business.

    12/08/2015 Duração: 17min

    In episode 40, I talk about how to keep your family the biggest fans of you and your business by sharing your excitement, checking in with them personally, leaving notes and giving gifts, and keeping your family’s goals in your planning. Share your excitement. Keep your family involved in the business by sharing what’s exciting you and asking for advice on simple things like logo designs or color schemes. They’ll love and appreciate being involved. Check in with your family, individually and personally. By continually taking a few minutes of time to talk to each member of your family individually to ask about their day and show interest in your life, you’re showing them they matter. Give your family gifts. This doesn’t have to be expensive, and in fact maybe it shouldn’t be. Little things like picking up your kid’s favorite candy bar when you’re in the checkout line at the store show them you’re always thinking about them. Leave little notes. Similarly, little notes in kids’ lunches or on the mirror for your

  • 039: 6 steps to keeping your family strong, even during your business's growth stage.

    10/08/2015 Duração: 20min

    In episode 39, I dig into an important topic: how to keep your family strong and together when your business is booming and you need to dedicate a lot of time to it. Learn to balance how to share in your excitement without upsetting your family and how they can share in the growth. See it coming ahead of time. This sets the stage for the other six steps. You may know it’s started if business demands increase, your “must-do” list gets longer, and your family may be grumpy with you. Prepare yourself. Figure out what effect this will have on you, your schedule, and your business. Determine how the growth benefits you and your family. Prepare your family. Tell them what’s going on from step two. Be open with them and don’t hold it back. Tie your success to theirs. Show them how when the company wins, they win, and remind them that’s why you’re doing this in the first place. Commit to time with them. Make plans that your family will love and make sure you stick to them! The last thing you need now is to let them d

  • 038: Q&A 10: Trusting your gut, unlocking the inner optimist, starting a business for the non-business minded, and getting over the fear of failure.

    07/08/2015 Duração: 22min

    In episode 38, I answer some great questions from our most recent episodes and interviews on what kind of hats parents should and should not wear, how to get the kind of “friends” you want in your life, and explaining a little bit about what a business incubator is and why one may be good for you. Two kinds of gut check. There are two kinds of gut check: one where something’s happening now and needs to be addressed immediately, and one where you should give it a little bit of time, wait it out, and get more information before you act. My definition of “friend.” I feel like a friend is a particular support group - people who actually supported who you are and see the best in you and you see the best in them. A “friend” in this sense is not necessarily someone you’ve known for a long time or been through difficult situations with. Starting a business for the non-business-minded. Build up a team who can really support you, educate yourself whenever you need to, and find a way to fill in the gaps for the informat

  • 037: Interview with Greg Lintz: Being married to an entrepreneur - the stressors, the balance, and the big wins.

    05/08/2015 Duração: 18min

    In episode 37, I talk to Greg Lintz, who is married to an entrepreneur. Greg talks about the difficulties and challenges, as well as the great rewards, of being married to a woman who started her own business. About Greg. Greg is married to one of my business partners, and he’s got a typical job while she’s self employed. He and his wife have one child together, and Greg’s all about having fun and being active. Breaking the traditional mold. Greg was raised to believe that going into your own business was risky, scary, and insecure, and so it was difficult to figure out what it meant when his wife went into business for herself. On the flip side, his wife gets to spend more time with their son than the traditionally-employed parent does, and her income is potentially much greater due to the unlimited nature of it all. The buddy system. Greg and his wife work together to keep the stress down when business is tough. Instead of working against each other, they talk it out and come up with plans and strategies to

  • 036: Interview with Norman Smith: Entrepreneur, parent, and mentor to over 250 startup businesses.

    03/08/2015 Duração: 30min

    In episode 37, Norman Smith joins us to talk about entrepreneurship and parenting, specifically the biggest challenges and what it takes to succeed. About Norman Norman has 30 years of experience in executive management, specializing in startups, cutting edge innovations, and international business development. He’s founded nine successful startups and assists young startups get going. He’s also has a ton of kids! What it takes to succeed. A willingness to consider and take risks, passion and love for what you’re doing, recognition that you don’t know what you don’t know, and surrounding yourself in experts. Proud parent Norman’s biggest win as a parent watching his children have clarity on what they want and where they’re going and thrive as contributing members of society doing what they love. What Inspires Norman. The remarkable, creative nature of human beings is Norman’s biggest inspiration. If there are 6 billion people on the planet, there are 6 billion ideas, and they all matter. People continue to tr

  • 035: What happened to Q&A 10?

    31/07/2015 Duração: 02min

    Hey SEP Family! There's no Q&A today because my family and I are on our family vacation! We're headed down to Lego Land. Be sure to catch the next episode, where I interview Norman Smith, a local entrepreneur and parent, about balacing his kids and his career. Have a wonderful week! I'll see you next Friday.

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