Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

041: Q&A 11: Talking to your spouse about your business, getting back to manageable hours after your business booms, and easing into a big growth stage.



In episode 41, I answer some great questions from our interview with Greg Lintz, as well as some questions about episode 39 about keeping your family happy during your business’s growth stage. Avoiding an argument when you talk about your business. It’s common to argue with your spouse about your business. Try to avoid talking about negative things about your company to try to make the conversations easier. Show your spouse you care. It can be frustrating for your normally-employed spouse to be in their job. Continuously show them you care to show them you understand how hard it can be. Bring down the time from your growth stage. Systemize, leverage, and organize to bring your hours down after your business booms. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Check out the episodes we answered questions from about in this one! Episode 37: Interview with Greg Lintz: Being married to an entrepreneur - the stressors, the balance, and the big wins. Episode 39: 6 steps to keeping your fa