Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

042: Interview with JV Crum III: Self-made entrepreneur millionaire, best selling author, and certified business coach.



In episode 42, I talk to JV Crum III, who, among a laundry list of other impressive accomplishments, is the founder and CEO of the Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC and host of the Conscious Millionaire Podcast. Money isn’t the answer. At 25, JV had just enough money to realize it wasn’t the answer. This stemmed his growth into the Conscious Millionaire. Balancing is a process. It doesn’t come all at once. You have to work to give yourself time for you. If you don’t take the time to take care of yourself, physically or emotionally, you’ll never be who you could be. Health and business. JV has taken great strides to take care of his business as well as his health in his journey to balance his life between work and self. Share the love! Never miss a show by subscribing to our show on iTunes! Check out JV’s Podcast!! Find JV at the Conscious Millionaire Podcast! Do you have any questions about this episode? Ask them here!