Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

037: Interview with Greg Lintz: Being married to an entrepreneur - the stressors, the balance, and the big wins.



In episode 37, I talk to Greg Lintz, who is married to an entrepreneur. Greg talks about the difficulties and challenges, as well as the great rewards, of being married to a woman who started her own business. About Greg. Greg is married to one of my business partners, and he’s got a typical job while she’s self employed. He and his wife have one child together, and Greg’s all about having fun and being active. Breaking the traditional mold. Greg was raised to believe that going into your own business was risky, scary, and insecure, and so it was difficult to figure out what it meant when his wife went into business for herself. On the flip side, his wife gets to spend more time with their son than the traditionally-employed parent does, and her income is potentially much greater due to the unlimited nature of it all. The buddy system. Greg and his wife work together to keep the stress down when business is tough. Instead of working against each other, they talk it out and come up with plans and strategies to