Robert Budd Sho

RobertBuddSho_Glenn Stokoe



I have a few ways to get rid of stress in my body: Body Surfing, Postural Therapy, etc but Floating in a Float Pod at North County Float has been by far the most effective and efficient way of relieving stress. Now this is stress from the body and the mind. I come out of a session of Floating free of tension and feeling more creative because my mind and body are free of blockage. This may sound too good to be true and trust me I thought the same when first learning about Floating then I tried it and now I am hooked.  Floating has been around for over 50 years but it is most needed in these times of over stimulation and external stress. I feel my shoulders tensing up just sitting here writing this...... I gotta go float after this!!  Enjoy the SHO!! Show Notes: Glenn: Float North County (4:30) The Clean (6:30) Master Cleanse  (10:50) 4 Reasons to Float  (15:45) The Zen of Floating: Week Magazine Composer from LA (14:30) (33:05) Blue Mind  (33:45) The Book of Floating  (34:15) Dr John Lily    Joe Rogan Morning