Robert Budd Sho

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 45:44:37
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Intuitive Interviews about the people behind their success.


  • What is ONE thing that you love to do?

    24/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    What gets you out of bed? What is one thing that you love?

  • You ARE the product of the 5 things you consume the most of.

    17/03/2019 Duração: 04min

    You are what you consume. It may be toxic. 

  • Make a list of 5 CRITICAL ACTIONS.

    10/03/2019 Duração: 04min

    Be a BullDog about finishing this list. 

  • What you think about you bring about, be the change.

    03/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    What you think about you bring about. You may be the problem. 

  • RobertBuddSho_Best of Clips

    16/10/2018 Duração: 54min

    Hey All!! Here are a few clips of some of my favorite interviews and the most commented of from listeners. I wanted to do so many more but keeping to an hour long show was the goal. All of these interviews can be heard in their entirety at and look for the person's name. Your friend, Robert!!

  • Robert Budd SHO_Ian Gilligan

    22/09/2018 Duração: 01h25min

    Hey ALL!!!   It was such a great pleasure to interview Ian Gilligan!! He was so full of information (which he provided below in a follow-up email to me) and just a cool guy to hang with. I have met alot of people who left jobs, moved across country and started a new life but no other quite as organized and with what looks like, a pretty good plan. Ian's past life consisted of working in the world of finance, which says to me, he knows where to hide the cash!! We talked about that by the way. That also means he knows how to spend, save, invest and move the cash around. We talked about that a little also. I really hope you like listening to us chat and ramble on at times at the beach as much as we liked hanging and rambling!! Your friend, Robert!!

  • RobertBuddSho_Stephan Laursen

    15/08/2018 Duração: 38min

    This is my brother from another mother!! Stephan and I hit it off the first day we met. We have similar energy and outlook on life: GET AFTER IT!!  Stefan Laursen has a Masters in Political Science from Aarhus University. He started his athletic career with playing division badminton in Denmark, then ran camps for youth and eventually became a professional triathlete and cyclist. He still competes in those sports today and his current focus is on the Xterra World Championships this fall. Stefan designs and produces triathlon wetsuits, carbon-fiber bikes and wheels as well as sports clothing for his brands and also for others such as Team in Training. Stefan is also the vice president of the hedge fund Common Cents Capital and owns the sports brands Synergy and Gray Cycling (,, Thank you for listening!! Robert Budd I really hope you enjoy this podcast. If you would be so kind to rate this podcast in iTunes I would really appreciate it!!

  • RobertBuddSHO_Robert and Lynnzi

    07/08/2018 Duração: 56min

    Hey All! On today's SHO we have Lynnzi Budd, aka Lynnzi B! Lynnzi and I answer questions often asked of us. People seem to ask me the same questions about Lynnzi, as in, where does she get her food inspiration from, or how is her business going and what is her business model. And Lynnzi gets questions from people about my business, who do I train, would I open another gym, etc.  So, we decided to do a podcast answering these questions. Of course we both came away learning something new about each other!!  We hope you enjoy the SHO as much as we did interviewing each other! Robert and Lynnzi!

  • RobertBuddSho_David Weck

    16/06/2018 Duração: 01h31min

    Hey There!!! Whoa!! David Weck is one of the most interesting human beings I have ever met! Our conversation blew my mind and my hair back! Here is a little about David:  David's long-term mission is to fundamentally enhance physical education in an effort to stem impending societal issues for a better tomorrow. He believes health care should begin with movement education.  Worked with US Manufacturer and Licensee Fitness Quest generate Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Retail Sales Worldwide » Inventor, Entrepreneur, Fitness Visionary » Inventor of CoreFIST™ (Fascially Integrated Strength Training), BOSU® Stax Risers and Apache Soft Clubs » Invented the BOSU® DSL Trainer, the BOSU® Ballast Ball, the Quick Hands Bola™ Trainer, the Rolling Ropes™ Trainer, Rolling Ropes™ and Monster Rolling Ropes™ » Re-branded BOSU from a product to a Balance Training Methodology (Both Sides Up to Both Sides Utilized) » Launched in 2003 and an updated Web site in November 2009 » Created BOSU® Apparel

  • Robert Budd SHO_Cameron Schmidt

    31/05/2018 Duração: 01h13min

    "Collaboration is Key" Cameron Schmidt  @Cam8Schmidt "Be Uncommon Amongst Common People" David Goggins What fun it was interviewing Cameron Schmidt! Cameron and I met when he came to my Kettlebell class at Nakoa Performance. I was told he needed overall strength considering he had a ton of endurance with some to spare. In short order Cameron put on muscle, got stronger and starting lifting some serious weights. Fast forward about a year and I asked Cameron if he would like to be on our Nakoa Team for a Spartan Race. He jumped at the opportunity and killed it!! It is no surprise he is doing so well at Obstacle Racing and has found his new passion. Along with racing all over the world, Cameron has become the host of a podcast dedicated to Obstacle Racing where he interviews other athletes, coaches and sponsors of Obstacle Racing. I am beyond proud of Cameron and feel like I have watched him grow into what he is doing now. I hope you enjoy this SHO as much as I did!! Robert Budd I really hope you enjoy this podc

  • RobertBuddSho_Tone Floreal

    07/05/2018 Duração: 01h58min

    "It may sound great but does it grow corn?" @ToneFloReal Hey All!! Is what you are consuming and learning growing corn? This is the question Tone Floreal poses to all of the people out there who are listening to and consuming countless hours of "How To" and Personal Development information.  Tone and I have created a connection and bond in a relatively short amount of time and I know it is because our way of communication and form of getting connected is so different than what most people in our society are doing. We get into how we have created this bond in the SHO.  Tone grew up, like most of us, with his own struggles and challenges but how he has moved through them and dealt with adversity is truly amazing. The work his is doing with his clients and the interactions he is having is changing the World we live in. Just the questions he is asking will have you look at this huge Universe slightly differently.  It was an enormous pleasure having Tone on the SHO and I hope you all get as much out of it as I d

  • Robert Budd SHo_Attila Tota

    24/04/2018 Duração: 01h33min

    "Let it Be!" Attila Tota     Hello All!! This was an amazing interview with Attila Tota! I had the honor to sit down with Attila and talk about what has it been like for him growing up as a Hungarian immigrate with a father, as he puts it, who was militant and controlling.  As the runt of the family, Attila had to toughen up at a young age, being the youngest of 3 boys.   I guess what hasn't killed him makes him stronger because we also talked about how he lost his arm to skin cancer and what he did to fight to save his arm for more than 4 years. If you haven't been taking measures to take care of your skin and overall health, this story may have you in action to do so.   I met Attila while looking to a be a mentor for young men. I have had the passion and juice (Attila's words) to give back to the younger generation for quite some time and found Attila and The Boys to Men Project. It has been an amazing experience so for giving my time every week to the group of boys we get to meet with

  • RobertBuddSho_Elizabeth Mersereau

    10/04/2018 Duração: 01h16min

    Elizabeth Allen Mersereau @BrightBellyNutrition Hey Everybody!! I would like to introduce you to Elizabeth Mersereau (Mer-ser-o). She can be found at Shine Natural Medicine in Solana Beach, Ca. Elizabeth is about as passionate about healthy hormone levels as I am about Kettlebell Swings (done correct)! And balancing hormones through proper nutrition is her mission.  Who knew, well at least I did not know, how many women are suffering from hormonal issues from taking birth control pill well after they have discontinued using the pill. Hint: its in the millions! This is one of the many topics we discuss on the SHO today.  We also talk about the Exercise vs. Eating model she deals with on a daily basis. Very interesting and you may find yourself in the model!  Enjoy the SHO!! Robert Budd

  • RobertBuddSho_Stephanie McPherson

    18/03/2018 Duração: 01h33min

    "Be what you want to attract" Stephanie McPherson @de_fa_rekin_licious Hey All! Stephanie McPherson is one HIGH ENERGY woman! Please bottle her up and sell it to tired teens instead of giving them coffee.  When you listen to this interview you will hear what I am talking about. The amount of passion and fun she has with life will have you cracking up and taking a good look at your own life to see what areas you could bring fun and excitement to. You may wonder how someone with this much go-go juice gets stuff done, she suggests her 100 ways in 100 days plan. Write down 100 ways to complete on your goals in 100 days and there is no way that what you what won't be fulfilled on. Stephanie's interview was "DE_FA_REKIN_LICIOUS"!!! This being her YouTube channel and her FaceBook page, also her soon-to-be released cookbook, it is no surprise that this interview was the same! "I don't live in la la land - I live in the land of fabulous and you are invited!" So without further ado, here is Stephanie!! Enjoy the SHO!!

  • RobertBuddSho_Rahul Singh

    07/03/2018 Duração: 56min

    "Happiness is a choice and when it isn't there for yourself.... do something about it! Buy a pint of ice-cream." Rahul Signh What a fun and interesting interview with Rahul! Rahul is an Engineer with multiple devices to his name coming to market when we spoke. His passion for what he does goes way past the product and if/when it will be out in the world. What the product will provide for the people using it is were his interest lies. When he was showing me a product for lower leg amputee's to be able to sense the foot on the floor and how that would enable the user to go back to dancing or running, just being able to be active again, lit Rahul up. "I can't image having something so dear to me, in this case being active, abruptly taken from me. To be given the chance to regain that is why I do this." Rahul We talked about what it took for him to get a medical device to market (when we spoke it was RDA approved and so close to coming to market!), the long line of Engineers he comes from

  • RobertBuddSho_LynnziB

    22/02/2018 Duração: 45min

    Without a doubt one of my favorite people in this world to chat with and dig into their take on life is my wonderful wife Lynnzi B. Just with what she would like everyone to know, "Three hugs a day keeps the doctor away" makes her someone I want to be around.  This show is all about getting to know people at a deeper level to contribute to more and more people. If what someone says on this show brings more love, joy, happiness, health and wellbeing, I have done my job and I think this interview with Lynnzi has accomplished that goal.  We dig into what she thinks makes her successful at her job and what brings her joy and happiness about her job. I love the passion and drive that she brings all that she is taking on without experiencing burnout. We talk about how she does it all!! Enjoy the SHO!!

  • RobertBuddSho_TheRemarkableGolden

    20/01/2018 Duração: 52min

    Well, what can I say? (As it turns out, a whole lot.) This interview was REMARKABLE! Judge the golden retriever has a very distinct marking on his muzzle, which makes him remarkable. My question to you is what makes you remarkable? Veronica Peterson goes out into her community and interviews family, friends and strangers armed with one question: What makes you remarkable? The answers she gets are all posted on @theremarkablegolden on instagram. We get into some of the more memorable answers and reactions she has gotten along with what she has learned along the way. Veronica has such passion for this project and for good reason. Listen to the SHO and hear for yourself why and how she came to do this REMARKABLE project.

  • Wrap up 2017 with Robert- 12:31:17

    31/12/2017 Duração: 34min

    "We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." Native American Proverb Hey All!!! Happiest of New Year to you and your friends and family! In this episode I wrap up 2017 by recapping the 5 top downloaded interviews that I did this year. #5 Sarah Simonetti #4 Chip Martoccia #3 Brandon Glade #2 Lance Winsaft #1 Michael Castrogiovoni I got so much from all of the interviews I did this year along with 2 of my favorite podcasts to listen to: Tim Ferriss and The Dave Ramsey Show.  I love to share what I am doing to expand my life through these podcasts and I hope you got as much or more out of them as I did. Thank you for listening to these Sho's and I am committed to delivering the best content I possibly can in 2018 and beyond! Enjoy the show! I really hope you enjoy this podcast. If you would be so kind to rate this podcast in iTunes I would really appreciate it!! Thank you in advance!

  • RobertBuddSho_Ian Myers

    06/11/2017 Duração: 01h09s

    Hello All! I had been messing  around with the idea of not eating meat for a while when I met Ian. Being who he is; energetic, happy, lean, muscular, nice, had me seriously take a good look at going Raw. Raw meaning only eating raw plant-based foods as in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I like the simplicity of it and we get into some of the details of this type of lifestyle.  As of this writing Ian has been Raw for 7 years. He overcame a laundry list of physical ailments by changing his eating habits slowly and intelligently going with a full Raw lifestyle. I really like his style and attitude about the foods he eats and what he suggest others to do. He isn't crazy dogma about any of it. Its really all about listening to your body once you complete a detox that consists only of Raw plant foods.  Neither Ian or I are doctors but we do have a real grasp of how our bodies work and what our bodies thrive on. We don't prescribe anything here and only speak of our own experiences.  Enjoy the SHO!! Robert

  • RobertBuddSho_Taryn Mast

    23/10/2017 Duração: 01h21s

    Hey All! It was a real pleasure to interview this powerhouse of a woman! She is so inspiring and easy to be around. It is very refreshing to be around someone who is not afraid to say it like she see's it and to have conviction in her Faith. Taryn was born and raised here in Southern California but has an affliction with Texas. I think she is a Texan stuck in a Cali world. I am sure it is the good heartedness  and down home attitude that has her be drawn to Texas. Being a Performance Coach at Nakoa Performance is no small feat. There is a level of having to "know" what you are doing and how to get that "knowing" delivered to the client takes patience and drive, two things that Taryn exude. It is no surprise that she is branching out into Life Coaching with her new business Taryn Alesha Coaching (@TarynAleshaCoaching). Did you know Black Pepper activated Turmeric? I didn't until this show. We talked about this and so much more!!

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