Loitering And...

Ep24 Loitering And... The Clip Show!!!



In an attempt to free their ship from its merger with the Bogus Enterprise. The loiterers were forced to overload the ship's flux capacitor, to create a singular majority of time to when the two ships were not occupying the same space in time. A simple task for an advance ship like the Enterprise, but for the Loiterers' craft it caused a serious problem. Lost in an infinite loop of time outside occupiable space, the loiterers found themselves stuck and watching all their past events, like some sort of annoying Clip Show. Reliving all past adventures and seeing glimpses of things to come. How will the Loiterers escape this treacherous cycle? and what awaits them at the end? Only time set in space will tell! We'd like to send out a big Thank You! to all of our great guests and listeners through season one, for giving us a fantastic first year! Keep tuning in to see all we have in store for season two! Follow us on Twitter @LoiteringAnd. And go checkout our new Facebook page! Thanks for Listening and as