Loitering And...

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 39:22:21
  • Mais informações



Loitering And... is a comedy podcast recorded live in the streets, back alleys, and parking lots of Austin Texas. Each episode the Loiterers interview a different guest, in a different location, and talk about different stuff. Basically, It's a Podcast. Just Listen Dammit.


  • Ep.27 Loitering And... EvilToasterOW!!!

    19/01/2018 Duração: 02h52min

    Full-bore into their quest to locate the entirety of the Smiley echoes, spread throughout time and space, the loiterers come across a new world with a strong aura of power surrounding it. Intrigued by the immense presence of this planet the they decide to teleport themselves down to its source. In an instant of chaos and confusion, the loiterers realize they have placed themselves in the midst of a great battle! Scrounging for protection from the fray, they duck into a nearby alleyway, only to be confronted by a gargantuan robotic-tank. Using the abilities they obtained from the time-bandit, they quickly bend a small section of space in front of them to create a shield, while simultaneously the robo-tank puts up a shield of its own. Still hesitant, but seeing that they mean each other no true harm, the loiterers drop their shield and explain themselves. Hearing their story and trusting these mysterious strangers, the robo-tank introduces himself as EvilToasterOW, then quickly explains the battle they have

  • Ep.26 Loitering And... Smiley!!!

    10/01/2018 Duração: 01h41min

    Finally freed from their infinite time-loop by the time-bandit Tyler, and given the ability to travel freely through space and time, the loiterers venture out to this mysterious new realm eager to learn. Early on in their journey they begin to hear echoes of life reverberating through time. Unsure of what this may be, they try to sense when this is happening to locate the being, but every-when they search houses the same results. They become haunted by this unknown entity for what seems like eternity, until from out of nowhere, a force awakens within them projecting the form of a great time-dweller into their mind’s eye, who introduces himself simply as Smiley. Conversing with him, they learn he has scattered his life across the entirety of time, to help guide people with his knowledge. What they are seeing now is just a single echo, one of an uncountable number, of his former self. But these echoes each hold a story, and to truly understand, one must find each echo and piece all the stories together. Alway

  • Ep.25 Loitering And... The Texas Bandit!!!

    06/12/2017 Duração: 01h46min

    An unfathomable amount of time has elapsed since we last left The Loiterers, lost in the lurch and forced to relive an infinite loop of their own experiences, while trapped outside all space and time. Unaware of where, when, or how any of this could be, they treacherously strived to push through this perfidious place and back to reality, with no prevail. When just about all hope was lost, The Loiterers spotted a strange specter in what can only be thought of as, the distance. Dumbstruck, The Loiterers gazed out at this incomprehensible being. Seen to be approaching them and stationary all at once, the specter seemed at home in this vast nowhere they occupied, and in a sudden flash he appeared directly in front of our wayward loiterers. Running on pure instinct, The Loiterers quickly began conversing with this mysterious man, who revealed himself to be Tyler the Time Bandit. After befriending Tyler, he offered to help The Loiterers with their situation by sharing the ancient secrets of the Time Bandits, so tha

  • Ep24 Loitering And... The Clip Show!!!

    12/03/2015 Duração: 50min

    In an attempt to free their ship from its merger with the Bogus Enterprise. The loiterers were forced to overload the ship's flux capacitor, to create a singular majority of time to when the two ships were not occupying the same space in time. A simple task for an advance ship like the Enterprise, but for the Loiterers' craft it caused a serious problem. Lost in an infinite loop of time outside occupiable space, the loiterers found themselves stuck and watching all their past events, like some sort of annoying Clip Show. Reliving all past adventures and seeing glimpses of things to come. How will the Loiterers escape this treacherous cycle? and what awaits them at the end? Only time set in space will tell! We'd like to send out a big Thank You! to all of our great guests and listeners through season one, for giving us a fantastic first year! Keep tuning in to see all we have in store for season two! Follow us on Twitter @LoiteringAnd. And go checkout our new Facebook page! Thanks for Listening and as

  • Ep.23 Loitering And... The Bogus Boys!!!

    04/03/2015 Duração: 01h52min

    Hurling aimlessly through all of space and time in their new spacecraft, the Loiterers suddenly find themselves wedged between the vertex of two intersecting time streams and occupying the same space as another craft. Exploring the newly merged ships the loiterers encounter Austin Tinius and Robert Salinas, the two man team captaning the other vessel and sit down with them to try and figure out exactly what's going on. Austin and Robert tell the Loiterers about their ship, Bogus Enterprises, and enlighten them with stories of the elaborate group of characters they've met and will meet throughout their journey, including Doctor Muscles, a time traveling group of cavemen, and the ultimate party ghost. Go check out all Bogus Publishing has to offer at BogusBooks.com and get to know some of the coolest comic creators in Austin Texas. (WARNING all stories, titles, characters, ideas, and any other form of creative content mentioned in this recording is protected under strict verbal copyright by Bogus Publishing;

  • Ep.22 Loitering And... B-Boy Queso!!!

    04/03/2015 Duração: 01h29min

    After their exciting encounter with the blacksmith Daniel, the Loiterers step back into their ship to continue on their uncontrollable journey home. Moments later they feel their craft land, and with high hopes slowly open the door to what could finally be home... Of Course Not! Outside their ship they find themselves on an active battlefield, on what looks to be an ancient desert planet but with strobing stars and green laser lights illuminate the sky. Gangs of human like beings, but with enhanced physical abilities, compete in a unique form of acrobatic hand-to-hand combat but without ever hitting each other. While familiar looking monsters from separate universes, each one leading a different gang of humans, battle fiercely to the death. Running for safety the Loiterers make allies with a lone humanoid, named B-boy Queso, who was separated from his gang. After fighting off a monster the loiterers and Queso are able to find safety in a isolated cave, where Queso tells them the truth, that he pitted the

  • Ep.21 Loitering And... Daniel The German!!!

    04/03/2015 Duração: 01h22min

    After the Loiterers did their part in protecting the strange universe they fell into, from the remanence of the evil conformity king's corruption. Its highest council of beings gathered to recognize their efforts and reward them with hopes of returning to their own universe, in an experimental warp-jumper with the capability to move between space, time, dimensions, and universes. The only problem is there is no way to control the destination, and no indicator to tell their location on arrival. The Loiterers must figure out where they are by attempting to communicate with the unfamiliar creatures they come across. Their first attempt fails to bring them home but, introduces them to the foreign blacksmith Daniel, who shares his secrets in metal work and rambunctious stories from his homeland. This proves the ship will lead the Loiterers to even greater adventures and more interesting characters, before ever taking them anywhere near home again. Go checkout all of Daniel's sculptures at MetalSouls.com and

  • Ep.20 Loitering And... Comic Con Panel!!!

    04/03/2015 Duração: 56min

    After the Loiterers defeated the evil King and freed the world from conformity, with the help of Dan Price and his Heroes. The Universe took notice and asked them to assemble a team to teach others how to ward off the corrupt masses fleeing the now cleansed world. Knowing the future of the entire universe depended on them, they quickly gathered the greatest worriers they knew; Damon Miller, Angel Mascareno, and Carlos O'Leary of The Pop Pod gang, and the Specter himself, Eddie Rotten from the Zombie Life Podcast world. With their powers combined, they become an unstoppable team of Panelists and embark on a journey to save the universe from the threat of boring conformity. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us during Comic Con and who came to see the panel, we had a great time and met a lot of cool people. Enjoy and as always, Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.19 Loitering And... Dan Price!!!

    03/03/2015 Duração: 01h19min

    With the help from Tony & Michelle, and their gladiator Chantilly Mace, the Loiterers were able to make their way beyond the brutal outskirts of this troubled planet they found themselves on, and up to the castle walls that protect its corrupted King. Trying to make their way in, the Loiterers come across another soldier for the cause, named Dan Price, along with his team of heroes made up of The Latex Avenger, and Masters Of The Obvious. Together they devise a plan to break through the walls, dethrone the King, and bring upon a new world of freedom and creativity. Find all of Dan's work at MastersOfTheObviousComic.com and on twitter @MOTOcomic. Don't forget to submit your location guesses and guest suggestions to us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com and on twitter @LoiteringAnd or Facebook. Thanks for listening and Happy loitering!!!

  • Ep.18 Loitering And... Tony & Michelle!!!

    03/03/2015 Duração: 01h29min

    Heeding the warnings from Eddie Rotten, the Loiterers shoot across space to a nearby planet that looks to be inhabited by some creative creatures. Landing at the outskirts of a great kingdom, the loiterers venture in and run into a pair of creators, Tony Franklin and Michelle Millette. Quickly hitting it off, they invite the loiterers into the kingdom with them and in the process they share stories of the female gladiator they trained, named Chantilly Mace, who they have created in hopes to overthrow the stereotypical reign on this land, and who they are on their way to see battle. Along with those tales they trade legends of their encounters with some highly celebrated individuals. Go checkout Tony and Michelle's comic book Chantilly Mace! Don't forget to submit your location guesses and guest suggestions to us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com or on twitter @LoiteringAnd and Facebook. Thanks for Listening and Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.17 Loitering And... Eddie Rotten!!!

    03/03/2015 Duração: 01h43min

    Finishing their ride with the Knights of Darkness, the Loiterers are dropped out of the metal mobile onto the first planet they come across, to continue their journey. Immediately upon arrival they are confronted by a creepy specter, named Eddie Rotten, who keeps watch over this eerie planet. After quickly explaining their situation, the specter warns the Loiterers of the research he has accumulated about the planet and the evil curses, demons and conspiracies that have formed around it, in hopes to guide them to safer sections of the galaxy. Don't forget to contact us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com or on twitter @LoiteringAnd or Facebook to submit your guess for our location or if you would like to be a guest on the show. Thanks for listening and Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.16 Loitering And... The Knights Of Darkness!!!

    03/03/2015 Duração: 01h58min

    Drunk with confidence and patriotism, gained from their run in with the gunslinger Angel. The Loiterers continue on their wondrous space odyssey, until an old metal rocketship shoots out from the vast darkness, only to stop directly above them. Caught by surprise the Loiterers can't help but stare up in awe as this metal mobile proceeds to beam them aboard. When inside the Loiterers are greeted by a familiar friend, the metalman Konetchy, along with the entire band of misfits known as, The Knights of Darkness! Taking a much needed break the Loiterers sit down with the band for a hardy meal and to discuss their origins and unique style. Don't forget to follow "Loitering And" on twitter and Facebook, or to email us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com if you want to be a guest on the show.

  • Ep.15 Loitering And... Angel!!!

    02/03/2015 Duração: 01h28min

    Having left the first planet behind, we find the Loiterers hurling through the depths of space in search any other worlds harboring intelligent life. In the midst of their travels, they happen upon a wondering gunslinger named Angel, who inspires the Loiterers with his stories of patriotism and lessons in the ways of the soldier. Remember to submit your location guesses and guests requests to us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com or on twitter @LoiteringAnd or Facebook. Thanks for listening and as always happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.14 Loitering And... Zach!!!

    02/03/2015 Duração: 01h26min

    Having felt they acquired all the knowledge this planet has to offer, the Loiterers make their way through the dark sea, to the brink of the world's atmosphere. There they come across the lone keeper of the planet, called Zach, and before allowing them to leave he sits down to pass on his wisdom of all the food sources and strange beings the rest of this dimension has to offer. Don't forget to contact us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com, with your location guesses and guest suggestions. The Loitering And twitter page is finally live so GO FOLLOW US. Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.13 Loitering And... Chathuranga!!!

    02/03/2015 Duração: 01h39min

    Following their celebration with Buddy Baker. The Loiterers' quest to quench their thirst for knowledge of these unfamiliar territories, leads them to a dark ocean at the end of the planet. Staring off into the infinite horizon of the black waters, they notice a powerful seaman named Chat making his way up to the shore near them. Sitting down with him, he shares stories of the vast Naval fleets who work to protect this land, by sea. He also informs them on a little known black market that may soon aid the Loiterers in their journeys. Feel Free to contact us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com if you'd like to be a guest on the show. Thanks for Listening and as always Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.12 Loitering And... Buddy Baker!!!

    01/03/2015 Duração: 01h20min

    With all the Loiterers back together once again and rejuvenated after the stress relief techniques shared by the lawman A A Ron, they venture off across this strange new planet. On the 4th day of the seventh month, in the mitts of their journey, the loiterers run into a native of the planet named Buddy Baker, who happened to be celebrating his nation's day of independence. Joining him in the festivities he tells them of his in home studies and stories from his life. Don't forget to contact us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com and as always Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.11 Loitering And... A A Ron!!!

    01/03/2015 Duração: 01h11min

    Returning from their quests for knowledge, two of the three The loiterers reunite on a strange planet. While waiting for the last of them to arrive they come across a wise lawman named Aaron, who shares with them the laws of this universe and proven stress relief techniques, to help them cope with the new surroundings. Don't forget to submit all your guesses for this week's location and any guest requests to us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com Thanks for listening and as always Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.10 Loitering And... The Ladies!!!

    01/03/2015 Duração: 01h18min

    With their new found powers of flight, the Loiterers decide that the best way to begin making sense of this new dimension is to venture off in seperate areas of space and return to share the knowledge they acquired. While off on his own, David runs into a party of Ladies in need of transportation. Having recently known the troubles of being stranded, he agrees to aid them in their journey, and doing so he gains an experience he will not soon forget. Thanks for Listening and as always, Happy Loitering!!!

  • Ep.9 Loitering And... Konetchy!!!

    28/02/2015 Duração: 01h33min

    Finally freed from limbo, by using the potions of the brew-witch Alli. The Loiterers struggle to make sense of this new dimension they were thrown into. Luckily enough, they happen upon an eerie and seemingly abandoned spacecraft floating through the cosmos. Being the brave men that they are David and Mike make their way inside, only to find a metalman, called Konetchy, looting the place. Hesitant to approach him at first, they show themselves as friends and engage in parley. Befriended, the metalman tells the loiterers of his lively band of rockers, The Knights of Darkness, and teaches them his mastered technique of craft-less space travel. With this new form of flight, and wicked tunes jamming in their heads, the Loiterers are able to maneuver around this new dimension and encounter an amazing assortment of characters.

  • Ep.8 Loitering And... Alli!!!

    28/02/2015 Duração: 01h20min

    After Shooting the S***, the Loiterers were banished into a state of limbo by evil forces of law. While floating through this vast abyss, they happened upon a powerful brew witch named Alli who shared with them her secrets to brewing enchanted potions. With these potions and the help of the brew witch, the Loiterers were able to free themselves from the void of emptiness, only to rematerialize in a strange and un-loitered dimension but, still allowing them to once again release their adventures to the universe. Don't forget to contact us at LoiteringAnd@gmail.com, to try and guess our location every episode for your chance to Win Sweet Prizes or to let us know if you want to be our next guest. Thanks for Listening and as always Happy Loitering!!!

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