Loitering And...

Ep.22 Loitering And... B-Boy Queso!!!



After their exciting encounter with the blacksmith Daniel, the Loiterers step back into their ship to continue on their uncontrollable journey home. Moments later they feel their craft land, and with high hopes slowly open the door to what could finally be home... Of Course Not! Outside their ship they find themselves on an active battlefield, on what looks to be an ancient desert planet but with strobing stars and green laser lights illuminate the sky. Gangs of human like beings, but with enhanced physical abilities, compete in a unique form of acrobatic hand-to-hand combat but without ever hitting each other. While familiar looking monsters from separate universes, each one leading a different gang of humans, battle fiercely to the death. Running for safety the Loiterers make allies with a lone humanoid, named B-boy Queso, who was separated from his gang. After fighting off a monster the loiterers and Queso are able to find safety in a isolated cave, where Queso tells them the truth, that he pitted the