Loitering And...

Ep.23 Loitering And... The Bogus Boys!!!



Hurling aimlessly through all of space and time in their new spacecraft, the Loiterers suddenly find themselves wedged between the vertex of two intersecting time streams and occupying the same space as another craft. Exploring the newly merged ships the loiterers encounter Austin Tinius and Robert Salinas, the two man team captaning the other vessel and sit down with them to try and figure out exactly what's going on. Austin and Robert tell the Loiterers about their ship, Bogus Enterprises, and enlighten them with stories of the elaborate group of characters they've met and will meet throughout their journey, including Doctor Muscles, a time traveling group of cavemen, and the ultimate party ghost. Go check out all Bogus Publishing has to offer at BogusBooks.com and get to know some of the coolest comic creators in Austin Texas. (WARNING all stories, titles, characters, ideas, and any other form of creative content mentioned in this recording is protected under strict verbal copyright by Bogus Publishing;