Loitering And...

Ep.27 Loitering And... EvilToasterOW!!!



Full-bore into their quest to locate the entirety of the Smiley echoes, spread throughout time and space, the loiterers come across a new world with a strong aura of power surrounding it. Intrigued by the immense presence of this planet the they decide to teleport themselves down to its source. In an instant of chaos and confusion, the loiterers realize they have placed themselves in the midst of a great battle! Scrounging for protection from the fray, they duck into a nearby alleyway, only to be confronted by a gargantuan robotic-tank. Using the abilities they obtained from the time-bandit, they quickly bend a small section of space in front of them to create a shield, while simultaneously the robo-tank puts up a shield of its own. Still hesitant, but seeing that they mean each other no true harm, the loiterers drop their shield and explain themselves. Hearing their story and trusting these mysterious strangers, the robo-tank introduces himself as EvilToasterOW, then quickly explains the battle they have