Whiskey And Mash

Whiskey And AfterMASH: Ep 01 - September of '53



Our apologies for the extended break between episodes. We're starting to watch AfterMASH, and it took two viewings to digest the first episode. We discuss what we liked and didn't like about it, and due to what else I promised to link in the show notes, encourage you to look over at the IMDB page for a full(ish) synopsis: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084969/episodes?season=1&ref_=tt_eps_sn_1 If you want to watch along with us, check out AfterMASH on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/K0qlzogOsCo Or, purchase a DVD set at: http://www.databluedvd.com/After-MASH-MASH-Walter-Pilot-7-disc-DVD-set-with-BONUSES-AfterMASH--NO-CASE_p_8.html