Building A Law Firm

080: The First Step To A Six Figure Law Firm



The First Step To A Six-Figure Law Firm Today I wanted to give you something that you could implement with your firm RIGHT now that will immediately add value to your day and your business. I learned this lesson the hard way with my first law firm startup and it took me upwards of 12 months to execute this step. With my new law firm it was the FIRST thing I did right out of the gate. What was it? I made sure I never had to answer the phone ever again. And I mean never. Why is this so important? First, it makes sure your work is never interrupted. Your efficiency is going to skyrocket. Second, it makes sure I don't ever have to talk to marketers - they are screened out and directed to email me. Third, it makes sure I never play phone tag again. I use Conversational Reception, but there are many other people out there (these are the best I've used, and I've tried a lot). Here's a link to them (non-affiliate). When you take this step you will look more professional, yo