Whiskey And Mash

Whiskey And AfterMASH: Ep 05 - All About Staff



This week on #WhiskeyAndAfterMASH we talk about Season 1, Ep 12 (All About Christmas Eve) where there are six different plot threads. They include: Alma Cox finally feeling appreciated by Mike D'Angelo then feeling betrayed, turning her ire on Klinger; Father Mulcahy getting a donation of a 12 inch TV set from a department store; an ulcer patient arriving at General General who (as a separate plot) helps Dr. Pfiffer find his holiday spirit; another patient arriving who thinks his wife is cheating on him; and Klinger and Soon Lee finding out they are pregnant. In Season 1 Ep 13 (Chief of Staff) there are only about four plots including: D'Angelo getting a prostate operation; Cox feeling first finally appreciated by Mike, then rejected; Nurse Coleman, a black nurse, arriving at General General and her failed trial under fire; Pvt. Bob and another patient fighting over a (married) elder nurse; Potter's office being redecorated by Klinger and Mulcahy with his gear from the 4077th. Both were very dense, but Chief