Building A Law Firm

095: Mindset Secrets – Embrace The Monotony Of Success



Law Firm Mindset Secrets: Embrace the Monotony of Success If there is one lesson that I've learned over the years that has had the most profound effect on my business it is this: business success takes time. It takes waking up day after day, having a plan, and executing on that plan, knowing that it's going to work, but knowing that for it to work IT TAKES TIME. That's why this mindset secret, embrace the monotony of success, is worth an entire podcast episode. If you are starting a law firm or you've owned your business for a long time, the truth is still the same - it's the daily activities that you execute consistently over time that make the difference. The ONLY difference between the new law firm owner and the established law firm owner are the daily activities they are doing (because, as we all know, what got you here won't get you there). Today I want you to know this: you can succeed, you can own a successful law firm, you can have a successful life, you can reach a point where you stop worryin