Building A Law Firm

099: Mindset Secrets – The 25 Hour Work Week



Law Firm Mindset Secrets: The 25 Hour Work Week I was sitting around the other day thinking about everyone in Infinity Clients Workshop and how I could better help them get ahead with their law firms and I started doing some calculating. My law firm is successful by the measure of most people, including myself. In year one we did right at $100K. In year two we were just under $200K. And in year three I'm shooting for $400K. The thing is, I have a lot of other stuff going on. 3 kids under the age of 5. A golf addiction that takes me out of the office nearly every Friday, rain, snow, or shine. And a couple of other businesses I run (including this one). After taking all of that into account I calculated that I'm probably only working on my law firm 25 HOURS A WEEK! Isn't that crazy? After doing those calculations I decided I'd talk about how I do it. That's what today's episode is all about... Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - Interested in learning how to create a law firm that caters to your life