Building A Law Firm

097: Mindset Secrets – Why I Love Law Firm Marketing



Law Firm Mindset Secrets: Why I Love Law Firm Marketing I love law firm marketing. I love doing whatever I can to get new clients to come to my firm. And by the end of this episode I want you to love law firm marketing too. I wasn't always this way, though. In fact, far from it. Marketing felt a little sleazy to me. I thought it was a little weird injecting myself in people's lives who were having problems. Over time, however, things shifted. I began to it as my DUTY to reach out people I knew needed my help to let them know I was here and I was ready to offer my help if they wanted it. I began to embrace the process of branding and content creation so much so that other attorneys started hating me for it. They didn't like me because I was taking their business. And if you don't start loving law firm marketing, someone in your town, in your practice area, is going to start doing the same to you. AND, if you believe those old geezers that tell you you should just do good work and the clients will come