Building A Law Firm

101: It’s Time to Stop Talking…



It's Time to Stop Talking... Do any of these things sound familiar to you? "I need to work ON my business instead of IN my business." "I just don't have time to create content." "I need to do a little more research on that thing before I launch it." "I'm perfecting it a little more and plan to finalize it soon." If so, then today's podcast is for you. The theme is to STOP TALKING AND START DOING. No more researching, procrastinating, excuses, catchy phrases, or anything else that lets you off the hook from actually taking action. If you want to get to where you want to go you've got to get your ass in gear. So, today, instead of talking about what you're going to do get out there and do it! Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - I've got a ton of free training for you. Click here to check it out.