Building A Law Firm

103: Why You Should Avoid Bitcoin



Why You Should Avoid Bitcoin Bitcoin was, for a long time, the hottest thing going. The returns were staggering. There seemed to be no end in sight to it's growth. We all know things have changed recently, but I wanted to talk about why you should have never invested in Bitcoin in the first place. The fact is, you already have an investment vehicle at your fingertips that can give you 100%, 200%, even 100% returns. All you have to do is pour your money into it and watch it grow. And the best thing about all of this is that there is very little downside to this investment. What investment am I talking about that can give you better returns than Bitcoin? Your law firm. Starting a law firm is the best investment you can make. The returns are great. You have total control. And there is safety in ownership. When it comes to investing of any kind, when you are first starting out or you have let to get deeply established, no other investing makes sense other than in your business. Not retirement accounts.