All The Things With Melissa Danielle

Are We Limiting Our Capacity to Love and be Loved?



Are we limiting our capacity to love and be loved and to even take care of ourselves economically in pursuit of The One? What might our lives look like if we stretched ourselves outside of the constructs we've accepted as normal but are no longer aligning with how the world is changing? Will we continue to try to force the old systems and structures to adjust or will we find the courage to create new ones? Recover From Someday: Goal Mapping Workshop I'm holding space for 12 people on Saturday, October 21st at 11amET to stop wishing and waiting for the conditions to be perfect. If you'd like to recover from Someday, I invite you to join us. Click here to register.  Adulting: Are we doing it wrong?  Join Melissa for courageous conversations in the pursuit continuous personal growth. Share your thoughts below or on Twitter with the hashtags #FlawsOutClawsOut #MondaysWithMelissa #MotorMouthMelissa