All The Things With Melissa Danielle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 16:30:44
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All the Things with Melissa Danielle is a weekday podcast series for lifestyles of health and sustainability.


  • Are We Putting Our Daughters' Emotional and Physical Health in Danger By Not Teaching Them About Sex?

    01/12/2017 Duração: 01h17min

    We know how irrational it is to pretend that by not talking about something awkward or uncomfortable, it will go away and we won't have to deal with it, so why do we do this when it comes to talking to our kids about sex? What might sex, sexuality, gender expression, pregnancy, abortion, sexual abuse/assault and rape look like if we had more open and honest conversations about these topics with each other and with our children as soon as they learn to talk? What might our world look like if women had the body awareness and agency to defend themselves against unwanted sexual advances? In this conversation with Robin LaCross, I intersect the nuances of culture and communication when talking about sex and its outcomes. Robin LaCross is a holistic health practitioner who specializes in women's reproductive health. She has been teaching natural birth control methods for over 25 years because she is passionate about making sure every young woman grows up knowing and understanding her body and cycle. Robin is on

  • Can a Career Coach Help You Grow Your Health Coaching Practice?

    30/11/2017 Duração: 37min

    This episode is supported by sales of Danielle LaPorte's Fire Starter Sessions. The Fire Starter Sessions is the permission slip you’ve been waiting for — to fully want what you want and go for it, to expand your consciousness and your cash flow, to up the ante on your dreams, to be incredibly generous with your love. Learn more by clicking here. When I launched Grow Yourself, Grow Your Health Coaching Practice, I wanted to create a space for conversations I felt were missing from the larger conversations graduates were having about their coaching experience. So much of the conversation centered around getting clients and making money, which is fine, because that's what you went to school for. But there weren't enough conversations around personal or career development, the other pieces of doing this work that doesn't have anything to do with getting clients and making money but is about setting yourself up for success. So when I went through Aileen Axtmayer of's website and talked

  • Why Loving Your Work Matters Why Loving Your Work Matters

    29/11/2017 Duração: 01h09min

    A job is much more than a paycheck.

  • Why Did You Buy That?

    27/11/2017 Duração: 21min

    Nothing like the holiday season to get you all in your feelings about money and materialism.  My desire to be location independent and my disdain for Suzie Homemaking introduced me to minimalism which eventually helped me to not get caught up in the madness that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I may not buy anything, but I still like to look and dream. Resources for the topics I mentioned in this episode:   Minimalism Black Minimalists Zen Habits Becoming Minimalist Women Can Be Minimalists, Too Essentialism: The Disclipined Pursuit of Less My Health Coach Training Institute for Integrative Nutrition My Yoga Teacher Training Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan Blendtec Amazon Special Location Independence The Suitcase Entrepreneur Location Independent WeWorkRemotely  Emergency Food / Food Storage Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry Powerpress plugin. Podcasting is an ambitious undertaking, and I don’t know that I would’ve been able to pull of

  • #BreatheOnPurpose like Darth Vader (Ujjayi Pranayam)

    21/11/2017 Duração: 11min

    The information presented here is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional, nor is it intended to prevent, diagnose, or cure illness or disease. Please consult your primary healthcare professional before making any changes or additions to your current routine. Ujjayi (oo-jai) breath is also known as oceanic breathing and the victorious breath. Because of the sound you make, I like to call it the Darth Vader breath. Ujjayi is often used during Hatha practice to help maintain focus through the asana flow, during other forms of physical activity, and to also relieve tension and nervous energy. With this breath, you're only breathing through your nose, while slightly constricting the throat along with a root and chest lock. These locks are called bandhas, For more about bandhas, check out Yoga International's A Beginner's Guide to Bandhas.  You may become lightheaded during this breathwork, so it's highly suggested that you spend a few minutes in long deep breathing before yo

  • What If You Just Punched Him In The Face?

    20/11/2017 Duração: 09min

    This episode contains explicit language.  I'm tired of talking and reading about sexual harassment and assault and why it's so hard for men to understand that it's unacceptable. So I decided from here on out to explain it to them the best way they understand: Punch him in the face.  If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting the same result, then it's time women reclaim their mental health and the (em)power(ment) that comes with pushing back and stomping down anyone and anything that would dare to treat us less than what we deserve and expect. What my words and facial expression don't get across my fist will make clear. Mentioned in this episode:  Teach Your Daughters to Hit People Who Touch Them Starship Troopers Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry Platform using the Blubrry PowerPress Plugin. Want to reach a larger audience? Podcasting is one of the best ways to build community and your know, like, and trust factor. Get a free month of podcast

  • #BreatheOnPurpose: Diaphragmatic Breathing with 90-90 Hip Lift

    25/10/2017 Duração: 09min

    Breathe on Purpose is hosted on the Blubrry Platform using the Blubrry Powerpress plugin. Ready to help others live on purpose? Get started with your own podcast free for one month by clicking here.  Breathe on Purpose is intended for education and instructional purposes only, and is not intended to be perceived as or replace the advice of a licensed medical professional. Please exercise personal wisdom and discretion.  Breathe on Purpose uses the Insight Timer. Today’s breathwork exercise is modified from the Postural Restoration Institute’s 90-90 Hip Lift with Balloon. Instructional Videos 90-90 Hip Lift with Balloon Diaphragmatic Breathing sitting down Diaphragmatic Breathing standing up If you know of a video that has a better explanation, please feel free to link to it in the comments. This episode is supported by HoopYogini HoopYogini is a movement practice integrating Hula hooping with Hatha yoga and Mindfulness meditation. For beginners and seasoned hoopers and yoginis alike, you’l

  • I Changed My Mind.

    23/10/2017 Duração: 03min

    Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has them and most of the time, they're really shitty.  Mentioned:  Are Murals the New Kale? 

  • Are We Limiting Our Capacity to Love and be Loved?

    16/10/2017 Duração: 05min

    Are we limiting our capacity to love and be loved and to even take care of ourselves economically in pursuit of The One? What might our lives look like if we stretched ourselves outside of the constructs we've accepted as normal but are no longer aligning with how the world is changing? Will we continue to try to force the old systems and structures to adjust or will we find the courage to create new ones? Recover From Someday: Goal Mapping Workshop I'm holding space for 12 people on Saturday, October 21st at 11amET to stop wishing and waiting for the conditions to be perfect. If you'd like to recover from Someday, I invite you to join us. Click here to register.  Adulting: Are we doing it wrong?  Join Melissa for courageous conversations in the pursuit continuous personal growth. Share your thoughts below or on Twitter with the hashtags #FlawsOutClawsOut #MondaysWithMelissa #MotorMouthMelissa

  • Will Cook and Travel for Food and Fun with CherylAnn of

    09/10/2017 Duração: 45min

    Growing up, the kitchen (and food) was central to socialization and bringing people together. Cookouts, repasts, block association meetings, block parties, holidays, you name it, there was a spread. And we're not talking pupus, but get yourself a plate and help yourself to summadis food. When people stopped by, they sat in the kitchen to talk story, as opposed to the living room. My hair was washed, pressed, and braided in the kitchen.  Today, while I don't consider myself a foodie, I love learning and talking about foodways and food cultures. CherylAnn and her partner Kent are hosting a culinary tour to Bucerias, Mexico this December 3-8, 2017.   Learn to create delectable, local, Mexican favorites. Five nights and six days of hospitality, relaxation, site-seeing, cooking classes, and good food and drink. Casa de la Reyna is located in Bucerias, a quaint, fishing village about 20 km north of Puerto Vallarta. Price includes lodging on the ocean with swimming pool, cooking classes, off-site tour, breakfast,

  • Unpacking the Pleasure Principle

    06/10/2017 Duração: 01h12min

    Diary of a Too Much Woman is intended for mature audiences.  Sigmund Freud coined the term "the pleasure principle" to characterize the human tendency to choose pleasure over pain at all costs. In this episode, Aurianna Joy, Pleasure and Prosperity Coach, touches on the importance of being present in your relationships and your day-to-day,  the role discomfort plays in bringing you closer to or away from the experiences that give you pleasure, and how making space for pleasure, including unstructured time, is the most powerful way to honor the Divine Feminine within you. Aurianna combines over 10 years in the world of personal development along with deep personal studies of yoga, meditation, shamanism, and tantra to support her clients in creating more ease and flow in their life and business.  Learn more about her work at, and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.  Hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry PowerPress Plugin, Diary of a Too Much Woman offers shameless musin

  • Make More Impact With These Small Tweaks

    07/09/2017 Duração: 09min

    Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches who work for themselves have the power to change the way business as we know it is structured. Just as we show our clients how to crowd out junky foods in favor of health supportive options, we can crowd out busyness and outdated business formats so that we can have a health coaching practice that seamlessly integrates with the rest of our lives. In this episode, I share how making small changes to the six-month coaching model can improve your coaching experience. Grow Yourself, Grow Your Health Coaching Practice is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry Powerpress Plugin. Wanna start your own podcast? Get a free month when you sign up by clicking here. The next Professional Health Coach Training Program begins this month. You could launch a new career in health coaching in as little as six months. Find out more when you speak with an admissions representative at 844 315 8547. Be sure to ask about the Ambassador love package, which offers new students

  • Why You're Not Enrolling People Into Your Six-Month Program

    01/09/2017 Duração: 08min

    Almost every successful coach I know has or has led a long-term coaching program, yet countless health coaches say the people they talk to want something shorter. What's the difference between what they're doing and what you're doing?

  • My Body Isn't Built For This

    29/08/2017 Duração: 09min

    Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry WordPress Plugin.  Explore podcasting for free for a whole month when you sign up through this link.  This episode is supported by Spafinder Wellness 365. Whether it's a vacation to recharge, a massage to relax, or a fitness class that reminds you of just how strong you really are, Spafinder Wellness 365 is your source for keeping well and feeling good all year round. And with over 25 years of experience serving as your wellness authority, you benefit from all that Spafinder Wellness 365 knows and loves to share. So think of Spafinder Wellness 365 as your life's partner, your partner for life, because being well is a 365-day affair, and Spafinder Wellness 365 is happy to live well with you. Take 10% off all gift card orders of $100 or more using promo code TAKE10 on! Becoming a massage therapist was one on a long list of professional pursuits I have held on to for almost twenty years. In the process of letting go of ol

  • Health Coaching is a Political Act

    25/08/2017 Duração: 07min

    Grow Yourself, Grow Your Health Coaching Practice is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry Powerpress Plugin. Wanna start your own podcast? Get a free month when you sign up by clicking here. The next Professional Health Coach Training Program begins this September. You could launch a new career in health coaching in as little as six months. Find out more when you speak with an admissions representative at 844 315 8547. Be sure to ask about the Ambassador love package, which offers new students special savings offers when you mention my name, Melissa Danielle. All students who enroll through my referral will receive additional mentoring and support from me. I look forward to supporting your wellness and health coaching journey. Speak with an admissions representative today at 844 315 8547. Institute for Integrative Nutrition responded to Charlottesville with a call to action to donate to anti-racism efforts. To no one's surprise, several people responded that they were upset and disappointe

  • But How Will They Sign Their Names?

    22/08/2017 Duração: 03min

    Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry platform, which integrates seamlessly with Wordpress. Ready to start your own podcast? Get hosting free for a month by clicking here.  As someone who hated school but loved learning new things, I was disappointed to learn that many schools are no longer teaching cursive, because it takes too much time to teach and has no practical application. So what is school for? What happened to learning for learning's sake? And how will these children sign their names on documents? Yes, we're in a digital age, and I still have to sign my name on a tablet to complete a debit/credit transaction. This episode is supported by Brian Tracy's Accelerate Your Learning. Brian Tracy can help you leverage your own human potential to learn, develop and achieve everything you want. With this incredible system, motivated learners will discover how to do virtually anything: build a business, improve memory, learn an instrument, become a skilled writer, become a master communicator,

  • How Do You Get Better at Coaching?

    17/08/2017 Duração: 18min

    Grow Yourself, Grow Your Health Coaching Practice is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry Wordpress Plugin. This episode is supported by Danielle LaPorte’s The Fire Starter Sessions. The Fire Starter Sessions is the permission slip you’ve been waiting for — to fully want what you want and go for it, to expand your consciousness and your cash flow, to up the ante on your dreams, to be incredibly generous with your love. After you dig into these straight-talking sermons and burning questions about your truest desires — from career to relationships — you’ll be clear that the only permission you need to shine … is your own. My sisterfriend and fellow Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Simone Turner and I have been supporting each other's coaching practices, personal and professional growth since 2012. When I asked her what she thought about the sentiment that coaching programs don't teach people how to coach, here's what she shared: I find programs like that are focused too much on strategies inst

  • The Gig Economy as a Path to Personal Freedom and Other Myths About Entrepreneurship

    14/08/2017 Duração: 10min

    Unemployable! How to Be Successfully Unemployed Your Entire Life!, by David Thomas Roberts I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Sometimes I get so excited reading books about entrepreneurship that I miss the warning signs that a book might be full of shit. So I had to read parts of this book again just to make sure. I wanted to like this book for inviting the reader to question their current employment situation and consider if the way they traded time for money was really paying off for them in the long term, and for highlighting some of the financial burdens we take on (student loans and mortgages) that keep us trapped in jobs with limited growth and opportunities for financial freedom. There are some really good nuggets here, but they’re lost in the author’s own confusion and ego as he attempts to define personal freedom through entrepreneurship. Of course, personal freedom looks different for everyone, and I’ve come to understand it as being able to make money in a way tha

  • Should You Invest in a Done-For-You Program?

    10/08/2017 Duração: 24min

    Grow Yourself, Grow Your Health Coaching Practice is hosted on the Blubrry platform using the Blubrry Wordpress Plugin. This episode is supported by Thrive Market. Thrive Market makes healthy eating simple and affordable. If you're thinking of investing in a done-for-you program, you may be interested in becoming an affiliate for a food, health, or wellness brand. While you should use or at least be familiar with the products you promote, especially if you stand to gain financially, affiliate marketing can be a great, low- or no-cost way to grow your health coaching practice. I've partnered with Thrive Market to help my clients make better choices in the kitchen and on the go. To see how I use Thrive Market in my health coaching practice, visit   Click here to sign up for Thrive Market's affiliate program.  When you're just starting out as a health coach, it can feel like there's a million things you have to do before you get clients. I'm not big on worksheets and journal

  • If You're Telling Me to Eat This and Not That, It's a Diet!

    07/08/2017 Duração: 12min

    Mondays with Melissa is hosted on the Blubrry platform, which integrates seamlessly with Wordpress. Ready to start your own podcast? Get hosting free for one month by clicking here.  amzn_assoc_ad_type = "banner"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_placement = "assoc_banner_placement_default"; amzn_assoc_campaigns = "kuft"; amzn_assoc_banner_type = "promotions"; amzn_assoc_p = "12"; amzn_assoc_banner_id = "07V9YHKS4HY556H67002"; amzn_assoc_width = "300"; amzn_assoc_height = "250"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "melissadanielle-20"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "e9a211a5d37c8104c36ab17d39f79cf9";   This episode is supported by Kindle Unlimited. Get access to over a million books and thousands of audiobooks each month with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. You can read and listen to up to ten books at a time on any device with the free Kindle Reader app.   Click here to start your 30-day free trial today. I received a copy of Eat Fat, Get Fit for free in e

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