Building A Law Firm

Q2 Law Firm Goals | BLF 106



Q2 Law Firm Goals In the last episode I looked back at my Q1 law firm goals and reflected on how I'd done and the progress I made. This time we're looking forward to Q2 and laying out our law firm goals. To get the full scoop you're going to have to listen to the episode, but I can tell you a couple of things I'm going to be focusing on this quarter: 1. Creating good habits around scheduling, particularly around waking up at a specific time and completing a morning routine. 2. Focusing planning for the next day at the end of the previous day. 3. Setting aside specific time to get specific tasks done that I know will grow my law firm and get me to where I want to go. I am implementing these ideas and goals based on an exercise I did about identifying EXACTLY where I want to go and how I want to get there. You must listen to this episode. It's a game changer. Cheers. P.S. - I've got a ton of free resources for you. Click here to take a look.