:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 98: God's Common Ground



We believe there is only one God, and that God has defined himself as love. So, are we open to recognizing that “love” is a revelation of God in all world faiths, not just Christianity? John seems unequivocal that “whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him,” and that if anyone says “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar. We have no doubt that Jesus is God and the clearest picture of God’s love, and we know that Jesus is the most direct path to experiencing God’s love. But we can’t get around the reality that “whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him!” Is this true even if they don’t know Jesus?One of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS from this past week asked: Who will you “serve” “love” that they might become a lifelong friend of God? Last week we finished our episode by defining love in the words of Dr. Stefanovic as; “the readiness to serve” and fits nicely with this takeaway as we search out and ask God for who we might “serve love” too.We welcome your feedback and questions about this top