:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 100: Loving People = Serving People



The great commission to go and make disciples of all nations and Jesus’ declaration that, when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be my witnesses, have often felt like a call to share information. There is important information to share, but if we look back at our first week and the definition expanded, consider the common ground of love around the globe, and hear God’s call to love those outside our “loveable” category, this whole great commission and promise of Spirit-filled witnesses is really about loving people into a lifelong friendship with God. If love is “readiness to serve,” then we fulfill our mission as we implement our vision to serve the people of our community. There was not a #fhcTAKEAWAYS from this past week so we made up our own on the show! How can you show love in everything you do, no matter how big or how small? Everything is a big word with broad implications. I would love to hear of creative ways that you try to show love in everything you do!We welcome your feedback and questio