Building A Law Firm

113: How I’d Start a Law Firm TODAY



What I Would Do If I Were Starting a Law Firm From Scratch TODAY I figured today would be a good day to get a little tactical and stop talking about mindset all the time when it comes to starting a law firm. So today we're going to hop in the hypothetical machine and imagine what I'd do if I were starting a law firm today. I came up with 4 things I'd do right off the bat, and you're probably going to think they are a little strange (just trust me, it works). So, if you are starting a law firm and looking for a plan of action or an old pro looking for some ideas for jumpstarting your law firm, here you go. 1. Get online calendar to auto-book appointments. 2. Get email autoresponder program. 3. Zapier 4. Hire VA to answer the phone (I use conversational reception). To get the details, and the full story, listen to the episode. Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - Looking for the formula to create a law firm that gives you